LGPS valuation 2025
2025 is an LGPS valuation year. We've put together this page to help you understand what this means to you as an employer and why it's important your data is up to date.

What is the purpose of the 2025 valuation?
The purpose of the valuation is to assess the financial position of the LGPS and its employers. Actuaries use the data provided by scheme administrators to project how much money is required. They then set out the pension contribution rates for the next three years.
This year’s valuation will set employer contribution rates for 1 April 2026 through to 31 March 2029.
What do you (employers) need to do?
Your pension contribution payments are based on your member records, so it’s important that the information we hold about your members is correct and up to date. Any data that is missing or inaccurate will affect the actuary’s calculation of employer liabilities, which could ultimately increase your contribution rates.
If any information is supplied to the actuaries with errors, they will always adopt a worst-case scenario approach and err on the side of caution. So, please take a moment to check your member records are up to date and any outstanding queries have been actioned.
What are the top 5 actions you need to take?
It’s important that your monthly data returns are submitted by the 10th of the month (6th for Lancashire County Pension Fund).
If you have any outstanding queries, it’s important you resolve them on your work feed as soon as possible. In particular, any missing members and pending leavers may require a leaver form completing and submitting. If we don’t have confirmation that a member has left the scheme, it could adversely affect your contributions.
If you have outsourced your HR/payroll to a third-party provider, check with them that they are up to date with their pension administration obligations too.
It is possible that payroll number changes may have caused duplicate records on our system. If a member has a missing member query, it is always worth checking to see if that member has multiple records which need to be combined.
If you have ongoing queries around missing joiner information, this can affect your member liabilities. For example, if a joining date is incorrect, it may affect your overall liabilities.
It is worth checking your records for casual members of staff who have not worked for a long period of time. If we are reporting them to the actuaries as being active, they will assume that the members will accrue future liabilities. This means they could potentially increase your overall liablilities and your contribution rate.
Resolve your outstanding queries today
The top five queries that are likely to impact this year’s valuation are outlined below. Information on how to resolve them can be found within the process itself or in our UPM employer portal page.
Click on each of the steps below to resolve your outstanding queries
Navigate to your work feed on the UPM employer portal and select your employer name.
Review and resolve your outstanding queries.
Confirm you have completed each task by responding to each query.
For specific information on the leaver process, visit our Guide to Leavers web page.