Letting us know about the loss of a loved one

The purpose of this page is to help you understand the process when notifying LPPA of the death of a pension scheme member.

Pensions and bereavement

Helping you through the process

When dealing with the death of a loved one, whether a spouse, partner, family member or close friend, sorting out their pension is one of the many things you have to think about.

This page will help you understand the bereavement process for a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), Police or Firefighters pension scheme, and what you need to do step by step. We’ll explain each stage of the process, what forms you need to complete, and what pension benefits you might be entitled to.

You can also download a copy of our Bereavement booklet, which provides helpful information for you to keep and read in your own time.

How to let us know

If you need to let us know about the death of a pension scheme Member now, you can take the first steps in doing so by completing our simple online Bereavement notification form. To access the form you need, just click the Download button below.

LGPS Bereavements Notification form
Fire and Police Bereavements Notification form

We’re here to help

We understand dealing with the loss of a loved one can be difficult, so, please remember, we’re here to help. If you need further support to help guide you through the pension and bereavement process, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated Helpdesk. To reach our helpful team, please call 0300 323 0260.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us here, by filling in our simple contact form, or you can write to: LPPA, PO Box 1383, Preston, PR2 0WR

Understanding the process

What should I do first?

Before you start worrying about forms and paperwork, the first thing to do is get in touch. This will give us a chance to explain the process and advise you on what to do next.

What should you do first?

Step 1.

Notify us as soon as possible

If a member of a pension scheme has died, you can notify us by telephone, email or in writing. Contact information can be found on here.

Alternatively, you can contact us via the our online portal, PensionPoint, which will be provided when registering the death.

Please be sure to include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Member details: full name, National Insurance number, address and date of death
  • Next of kin / executor / personal representative details: name, address, email, telephone number
Step 2.

We will send out the appropriate forms

Once we have been notified, we will contact all of the relevant parties and forward on the necessary forms. We will also explain the benefits available and, if needed, request any additional information.

All completed forms must be signed, witnessed (if applicable) and returned to our address, which can be found here.

Step 3.

We will arrange for any eligible payments

Once we have the completed paperwork, we will arrange for any eligible pension benefits to be paid either as a cash lump sum or as an ongoing payment.

  • The first payment will typically be made on the next available payroll run
  • Any overpayments are usually recovered from the first payment

Understanding the documents

What forms will I need to fill in?

If we need you to complete any forms or send us additional information, we will contact you directly by letter or email. Here’s a list of the documents we sometimes require.

The forms you need to fill in


Death Certificate/Tell Us Once (TUO) notification

If the member was in the Police or Fire scheme, you must have a death certificate to verify their date of death.


Final Payment

Form of Indemnity

Probate (if obtained or if the amount is over £5000)



Spouse pension/ Civil partnership pension

  • Spouse pension application form
  • Spouses’ birth certificate or current passport*
  • Marriage certificate / certification of partnership

Cohabiting partner pension

  • Cohabiting partner application form
  • Supporting documentation as specified on the form
  • Cohabiting partners’ birth certificate*

Children’s pension

  • Dependant application form
  • Dependants’ full birth certificate*
  • Education certification may be required
  • Supporting information may be required

* Clear copies accepted


Death grant

  • Death grant nomination form
  • Birth certificate*
  • Probate and will may be required
  • Late payment form may be required**

** Clear copy is accepted

** Death grant is paid tax free provided it is within two years of death notification received by LPPA. If payment is made after two years, the death grant payment will be subject to tax. A Late payment form may be required.

Understanding the benefits

What am I entitled to?

Depending on your relationship to the scheme member, you or a family member may be entitled to certain pension benefits – either as a lump sum or a monthly payment.

Death grant (a cash lump sum)

Some pensions include a cash lump sum benefit, which is paid to a nominated person or next of kin in the event of the member’s death. There are three different types of death grant:

Three types of death grant

Type 1.

Death in service

When a member dies in service, a cash lump sum equal to three times their basic salary is paid (for Police and Fire schemes, this is two times their basic salary, although it is dependent on which scheme they were a member of). This applies to all members under the age of 75, regardless of how long they have been part of the scheme.

Type 2.

Death in deferred (only relevant for LGPS pension schemes)

If the member had stopped paying into the LGPS scheme, but wasn’t yet receiving their pension, a cash lump sum, equal to five times of the amount of deferred annual pension or the amount of the retirement grant, is paid, depending on the date of leaving active employment.

Type 3.

Death in pension

If the member was already receiving a pension in payment, the death grant payable depends on when the member left the active service (and for Police and Fire schemes, the scheme they were a member of).

(Only relevant for LGPS pension schemes)

Before 1 April 2008: if the member left, the death grant payable is five times the amount of the annual pension, less the amount already received.

On or after 1 April 2008: the death grant payable is 10 times the amount of the annual pension less the amount already received.

Dependent pension (a regular monthly income)

Most pensions include a regular monthly income, which can be transferred to a spouse, partner or child in the event of the member’s death – depending on certain qualifying conditions.

Widow / civil partner pension

You will be eligible for a widow’s pension (however, for LGPS pensions, this is only if your husband (or civil partner) retired or left employment after 1 April 1972, or after 6 April 1978 if you were not married at the time).

Widower / civil partner pension

You will be eligible for a widower’s pension if your wife (or civil partner) retired or left employment after 6 April 1988 (for Police pensions, the date is 16 May 1990)

Cohabiting partner pension

(Note this is only applicable for LGPS schemes – for Police and Fire schemes, please contact us through our various channels)

To be eligible for a cohabiting partner pension, your partner must have been an active member of the LGPS 2006 or 2015 scheme on or after 1 April 2008. Also, you must have been living together at the date of death and met ALL the following conditions for a continuous period of at least two years:

(Note this is only applicable for LGPS schemes – for Police and Fire schemes, please contact us through our various channels)


Condition 1.

Are, and have been, free to marry each other or enter a civil partnership with each other, and;

Condition 2.

Have been living together as if they were a married couple, or civil partners, and;

Condition 3.

Neither of them have been living with someone else as if they were a married couple or civil partners, and;

Condition 4.

Either the co-habiting partner is, and has been, financially dependent on the pension scheme member, or the two people are and have been financially interdependent.

Financially dependent means that you have a lower income than your partner.

Financially interdependent means that you rely on each other’s’ finances to maintain your standard of living. It does not mean that you have to be contributing equally. For example, if one partner’s income is a lot higher, he or she may pay the mortgage and most of the bills, while the other partner pays for the weekly shopping.

Children’s pension

In some cases, a member’s pension may be transferred to an eligible child, as long as the child is (in relation to a deceased member):

• A natural or adopted child of a member who meets any of points A to C and who was born before, on, or in the case of a natural child, within 12 months of the member’s death

• A stepchild or child accepted by the deceased as a member of the family (excluding a child sponsored by the member through a registered charity) who –

(i) meets any of conditions A to C and;

(ii) was dependent on the member at the date of death


A. The person is aged under 17 or 18, depending on the date of leaving active employment

B. The person is in full-time education or vocational training and has not reached the age of 23

C. The person has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities and either:

(i) Has not reached the age of 23


(ii) The impairment is likely to be permanent and the person was dependent on the member at the date of the member’s death because of that physical or mental impairment.

Education or training may be treated as continuous, despite a break, and we may suspend payment of any child’s pension during such a break.

If there are children not in your care, who may be eligible, please inform us of the name and address of their parent or guardian.

Online services

Setting up your account

If you are eligible to receive a survivor’s pension, we will set up a pension account in your name.

All you need to do is register for our online portal, PensionPoint, and you will be able to manage your pension and access important documents online – such as your annual P60 certificate. You will also be able to update your contact details in just a few clicks.

If you would like any assistance, please visit our PensionPoint Useful resources page.