Active and deferred member newsletter 2023

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LG Fire Police

Annual benefit statement (ABS)

Your latest annual benefit statement will be available to view in PensionPoint by 31 August 2023.

Explore our brand-new page on everything you need to know about your ABS.

Have you registered for PensionPoint yet?

Register now to view your ABS once it’s available by 31 August 2023.

LG Fire Police

Pension increases and CARE Revaluation 2023

Each year, the value of your pension is increased in line with inflation. Learn how this is worked out for your pension.

LG Fire Police

6 money-saving tips to tackle the cost of living

Learn how you can cut everyday costs and find out if you’re eligible for extra financial help and support.

Are you a new joiner?

Click here to learn the basics of how your pension works.

Member stories

Have you visited our member stories page yet? You can find out how different members have adjusted their pension to suit their individual circumstances (and how you can too!).

Plus, get an insight on what life in retirement is really like by reading some of our members’ experiences.

Read our latest story below!

Meet Karen

See how paying additional pension contributions (APCs) helped Karen boost her pension, while working term-time in a school.

LG Fire Police

6 myths about your defined benefit pension

To help you separate the facts from fiction, here are six common misconceptions about defined benefit pensions – and the facts behind them.


Top 10 ways to prepare for your retirement

Thinking of retiring? Here are 10 ways you can make your retirement a smooth ride by planning ahead.


What happens to my pension in the event of my death?

Learn how nominating a beneficiary can give financial protection to the people you care about in the event of your death.

Need help understanding your pension?

Book your free place on one of our online Teams training sessions!

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