Different ways of getting in touch
If you have an employer or member query, there are three ways you can get in touch with LPPA. To help us deal with your query efficiently here’s what you need to know:
UPM employer portal Link opens in a new window Scroll Down

1. UPM employer portal
Always use the UPM employer portal when requesting updates to member data. The portal allows you to share files securely and make changes quickly. Processes available on the portal include:
Available processes
- Change of hours and notify details of absence
- Change of personal details
- Change of address
- Joiner notification
- LPPA data return
- General file upload
- Scheme movements
- Web estimate request
- Web leaver
For help, support and guides on how to use the portal, visit our dedicated web page. Please note that some of these portal processes are only available to selected fund employers.
2. Employer contact form
Please use the contact form for any questions you cannot resolve using information on the website. Send us your questions, along with any background information and we’ll come back to you with an appropriate response.
3. LPPA Contact Centre
If you have an urgent member or employer query, call the LPPA Contact Centre on 0300 323 0260. Lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm, and Friday 9am-4pm.
Need to escalate a query?
Retirement queries and employer estimate requests can take up to 10 working days to resolve once we have the relevant information. But if that time has passed and you need an urgent response, you can escalate your query by emailing the Employer Engagement team at engagement@localpensionspartnership.org.uk.
Please add ‘escalation’ in the email subject line to help our team respond to your query quickly.
When you email us, one of our team will check the status of your enquiry, and if a response is overdue (outside of agreed turnaround times), we’ll make sure we get back to you as a priority.
Formal complaints
We will always try to resolve your query effectively, but if you or a member wishes to make a formal complaint, you can find our complaints procedure on our website.
Finally, there may be a need for you to contact your fund directly, for queries including those related to employer contributions, admissions to the scheme or closing your employer account.