Employer responsibilities: FAQs
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about an employer's responsibilities below.

Triennial valuation: 2025
Every three years a triennial valuation is carried out on the Local Government Pension Fund (LGPS). It aims to assess the financial position of the fund and its employers, and sets out the pension contributions rates for the next three years.
The next valuation will take place in 2025 and will set employer contribution rates for 1 April 2026 to 31 March 2029.
As the pension contributions you pay are based on your member records, it’s important the member records we hold for you are correct and up to date. If there are any outstanding leavers that have not been processed, it could negatively impact your contribution rates.
Confirm any outstanding leavers by following these three steps:
1. Navigate to your work feed on the UPM employer portal and select your employer name.
2. Review your pending leaver queries and send us the leaver forms for those members (which have queries marked against them).
3. Confirm you have completed the task by responding to each pending leaver query.
For more information on the leaver process, visit our Guide to Leavers web page
Academy conversions
Yes, as a school employer, it’s your responsibility to notify us as soon as you know your organisation is going to be converted to an academy (even if you have already notified your pension fund).
If you don’t, it could result in your employees having duplicate member records, which could cause issues with administering their pensions.