Employer training
To help you understand your pension scheme and how the processes work, we deliver a number of employer training sessions throughout the year. Take a look and see which ones are right for you.

Use the links below to find out what’s covered in our upcoming sessions.
Who is this for?
These sessions provide guidance for dealing with the different types of absence within the Local Government Pension Scheme. Payment of Ill health benefits is one of the top reasons for Member appeals. These sessions aim to reduce the number of appeals by explaining not only the theory, but the processes involved when dealing with an Ill health and dealing with the different types of absence within the Local Government Pension Scheme.
When does it take place?
Thursday 10 April • 11am
Monday 12 May • 2pm
Thursday 12 June • 11am
How long is it for?
This training session lasts for 1 hour
Who is this for?
These sessions are aimed at HR and Payroll staff and will look at what your responsibilities are and where you can access resources to help you manage the ongoing pension administration duties.
When does it take place?
Wednesday 30 April • 2pm
Thursday 29 May • 11am
Monday 30 June • 2pm
How long is it for?
This training session lasts for 45 minutes
Who is this for?
These sessions will demonstrate the upload process for the monthly return and support with clearing errors during the upload process.
When does it take place?
Thursday 17 April • 2pm
Monday 19 May • 11am
Tuesday 24 June • 11am
How long is it for?
This training session lasts for 1 hour
Who is this for?
Do you want to have more knowledge of the LGPS pension scheme and support with calculating final pay, CARE pay and APP? Our scheme essentials session covers the key elements of pensions and processes. The session is available to any employer whether you are new to the role or are more experienced in the role.
When does it take place?
Tuesday 8 April • 2pm
Tuesday 6 May • 11am
Thursday 5 June • 2pm
How long is it for?
This training session lasts for 2 hours
Who is this for?
If you need support with submitting leaver details to LPPA this session will cover what you need to do and how you do it, using the UPM employer portal.
When does it take place?
Thursday 24 April • 11am
Thursday 22 May • 2pm
Wednesday 18 June • 2pm
How long is it for?
This training session lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes
Use the form below to book on to one of our training sessions.
Struggling to make a booking?
View the FAQs below to find your answer.
Once you have completed the booking form and clicked ‘Book’ you will receive a confirmation email and an invite will be added to your calendar. Alternatively, select the bookings.ics attachment on the email and select ‘add to calendar’.
On the confirmation email, click ‘Reschedule’ and you will be given the option to amend the booking. Please note, not all sessions have an alternative date.
On the confirmation email, click ‘Reschedule’ and you will be given the option to cancel the booking.
A reminder email will be sent the day before the session and will include a Teams link to join the session.