Combining previous pensions

If you have pension benefits from a previous local government, firefighter or police scheme, you can combine them with your new account to help you manage them in one place. Here's how it works.


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How the process works 

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Can I combine my existing pensions with my new one?

Each time you start a new local government job and pay into the LGPS scheme, a new pension account will be opened for you.  

We usually join your previous (deferred) benefits with your new pension account automatically, unless you choose to keep them separate, which you must decide within 12 months of re-joining the LGPS.  

Just be aware the rules can vary depending on your circumstances and when you joined the scheme:

What types of pensions cannot be combined? 

There are some situations where we can’t combine your previous pensions with your new account. In the following circumstances, you will have two separate sets of LGPS pension benefits: 

When can’t your pension be combined
1Your pension is already being paid to you.
2You have a pension credit (a share of an ex-partner’s pension you were awarded after a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership).  
3You have a deferred pension from opting out of the LGPS on or after 11 April 2015 and you are now paying into the scheme again in your new job.
4You are receiving the Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) from a previous deferred pension. 
5You have a deferred LGPS pension and stopped paying into any public service pension scheme for more than five continuous years. There may be restrictions on combining your deferred pension with your new one. 

Please be aware

It’s wise to get independent financial advice if you need help choosing the best option for you. For more information, visit MoneyHelper, a free government service.

Can I combine my existing pensions with my new one?

In most cases, as long as there is a gap of five years or less between jobs, we join your deferred benefits with your new pension account automatically. You can choose to keep them separate but you must decide within 12 months of re-joining the FPS.  

The rules can vary depending on your circumstances and when you paid into the scheme: 

If you have previous benefits in the 1992 or 2006 FPS schemes, details on how your pension is calculated will be provided when you transfer. 

Can I combine my existing pensions with my new one? 

If you have moved from another constabulary (in England and Wales), we usually join your previous benefits with your new pension account automatically.  

You remain in the 2015 PPS and the pension you have built up (accrued pension) in the 2015 scheme remains the same.  

The rules can vary depending on your circumstances and when you paid into the scheme: 

If you have previous benefits in the 1992 or 2006 FPS schemes, details on how your pension is calculated will be provided when you transfer. 

Transferring in

Click for more information about transferring in your pension

Transferring out

Click for more information about transferring out your pension

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