Pension finances

Here you'll find useful information on some of the more complex pension issues, as well as how to understand your annual benefit statement and P60 document.

Understanding your P60

If you’re retired, find out about the financial details of your pension

Annual benefit statement

If you’re not retired, find out how your pension pot grows each year

Pension pay dates

All-important pay dates for your diary for the next 12 months

Payroll enquiries

Contact details for non-LPPA payroll funds (Ealing, Havering, Newham)

Annual allowance

Discover the maximum pension savings allowed in a year before tax

Lifetime allowance

The lifetime allowance is now abolished. Learn more about the change here


Learn about Guaranteed Minimum Pension (also known as GMP)

Contribution rates

Find out how much you pay towards your public sector pension

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Pension scams

Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement

Pension scams Pension scams