Contribution rates

How much you pay towards your public sector pension is based on how much you earn. When you join the scheme, your employer works out your contribution rate based on the table below (and this is updated every April)*.

Local government (LGPS) scheme rates

Annual Pensionable PayNormal contribution rate50 / 50 contribution rate
Up to £17,8005.5%2.75%
£17,801 to £28,0005.8%2.90%
£28,001 to £45,6006.5%3.25%
£45,601 to £57,7006.8%3.40%
£57,701 to £81,0008.5%4.25%
£81,001 to £114,8009.9%4.95%
£114,801 to £135,30010.5%5.25%
£135,301 to £203,00011.4%5.70%
£203,001 or more12.5%6.25%
*figures correct as of 1 April 2025

When you pay into the Local Government Pension Scheme, your contributions are deducted before income tax is applied to your earnings, meaning you pay less tax while also building a retirement income.

Members of a Local Government Pension Scheme can choose the 50/50 option and pay half the contributions you normally would in the main scheme for half the retirement income.

Firefighter (FPS) 2015 scheme rates

Annual Pensionable PayContribution rate
Up to £27,81811.0%
£27,819 to £51,51512.9%
£51,516 to £142,50013.5%
£142,501 or more14.5%
Please note that:

1. The amount of pensionable pay for a retained or volunteer firefighter for the purpose of the first column of the above table is that firefighter’s reference pay.

2. The amount of pensionable pay of a part-time firefighter for the purpose of the first column of the table must be the amount of pensionable pay of a whole-time regular firefighter of equivalent role and length of service.

Police (PPS) 2015 scheme rates

Pensionable EarningsContribution Rate
£27,000 or less12.44%
More than £27,000 but less than £60,00013.44%
£60,000 or more13.78%
Please note that:

1. Members who are ineligible for ill health benefits have a reduced contribution rate.

2. The amount of pensionable earnings of a part-time officer for the purpose of the first column of the table must be the whole time equivalent amount.

Tax relief

Contributions are deducted from your salary before you pay tax. So, if you pay tax at the rate of 20%, every £1 that you contribute to the scheme only costs you 80p net.

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