What is the age discrimination remedy (McCloud)?

When the government reformed public sector pension schemes in 2014-15, the regulations included protections for some members who were within 10 years of retirement.
In 2018, at the Court of Appeal, these protections were found to be age discriminatory. Following the cases of McCloud and Sargeant (from the Judges and Firefighters’ schemes), the Government is putting a remedy in place for this age discrimination. This will make sure that pension scheme members receive the best possible benefits from what they have accrued.
Age discrimination remedy update for police and firefighter scheme members (w/c 24 March 2025)
LPPA is currently focused on producing and distributing Remediable Service Statements (RSS) to all Police and Firefighter members who are impacted by the age discrimination (McCloud) ruling. Despite significant challenges, we have made considerable progress and are in a strong position to produce the majority of these documents by the 31 March 2025 deadline.
– 90% of Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) RSSs have already been produced and issued to active members, and 75% of Deferred Benefit Statements (DBS) RSSs have been produced and issued (to deferred members).
– LPPA expects to produce and issue between 60% and 80% of Immediate Choice (IC) RSSs by 31 March 2025, for members who retired before the 1 October 2023.
Any remaining RSSs that are within our control to produce will be made available on PensionPoint (for details on how to register, click here), and paper copies will also be issued in the post. PensionPoint is your secure online account, which can be used to ensure your contact details are up-to-date.
There are a number of RSSs which LPPA cannot produce and issue by the 31 March 2025. The reasons for this include (although not exclusively) outstanding national guidance, or not being provided with the data to enable the production of these documents.
LPPA has released the first batch of communications to members who are not expected to receive an IC RSS by the 31 March 25. Similar communications to active and deferred members will follow.
We will keep these web pages updated regularly with the latest developments relating to the age discrimination remedy (McCloud) process.