Age discrimination remedy (Firefighters)

This page includes the latest information and links relating to the age discrimination remedy for members of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme.

Other useful information on our website

For more information about your ABS-RSS, visit our dedicated ABS page

For more information about your RPSS (annual allowance) visit our dedicated page

Other useful information on the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme website

For the most up-to-date information, including FAQs and videos, please visit the dedicated remedy page of the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme website.

To understand more about your Remediable Service Statement (RSS) watch the video below.

Firefighter RSS

Please note

LPPA is currently only able to provide retirement estimates for members who are looking to retire within the next 6 months, with remedy benefits. Members who are not eligible for remedy can continue to request retirement estimates. Both of these should be requested using the usual channels.

To help us prioritise retirement requests effectively, we are also asking members to provide a minimum of three months’ notice of their intention to retire.

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