Firefighters' Pension Scheme (FPS)

For most people, the retirement process will take at least two months. So, if you want to avoid any unnecessary delays, it pays to plan ahead. The information on this page will help you get started.


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Normal Pension Age

Normal Pension Age (NPA) is the age you can take your full pension without any reductions. This varies depending on the scheme and whether you’re still paying into it. 

SchemeNPA (if still contributing)NPA (if no longer contributing)
1992Age 55 or Age 50 with 25 years of membershipAge 60
2006 Special MembersAge 55Age 60
2006 Age 60 (with the option to retire from 55 with reduced pension)Age 65 (with the option to retire from 55 with reduced pension)
2015Age 60 (with the option to retire from 55 with reduced pension) State Pension Age (with the option to retire from 55 with reduced pension)

Early retirement

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Late retirement

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Ill health retirement

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What are my options?

Depending on when you joined the scheme, your pension may include different types of benefit.

2015CARE scheme benefits plus an optional tax-free lump sum
2006 / 2006 Special MembersFinal salary scheme benefits plus an optional tax-free lump sum
1992Final salary scheme benefits plus an optional tax-free lump sum 

Early retirement

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Late retirement

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Ill health retirement

Learn more

How are my benefits calculated?

Your Firefighter Pension Scheme (FPS) benefits are worked out based on your pay, membership type and contributions. The benefits are also adjusted annually to bring them in line with inflation.  

Full details on how your benefits are calculated are also available on the LGA website or in the FPS scheme guide.

The 1992 scheme is a final salary scheme.  

  • Your pension is calculated based on 1/60th of your final pensionable pay for each year of membership (or your ‘full-time equivalent’ pay if part time).  
  • After 20 years of paying into the scheme, this rate changes to 2/60ths each year (known as double accrual). 
  • Each day you are a scheme member (pensionable service) will count as 1/365th of a year. The maximum pensionable service that can be built up is 30 years. 
  • Usually, you are also entitled to swap up to 25% of your pension benefits into a tax-free lump sum. If you retire with between 25 and 30 years of service, you can convert up to 2.25 times your annual pension income.  

The 2006 scheme is a final salary scheme. 

  • Your pension is calculated based on 1/60th of your final pensionable pay for each year of membership (or your ‘full-time equivalent’ pay if part time).  
  • You are also entitled to swap up to 25% of your pension benefits into a tax-free lump sum. For every £1 of annual income you give up, you would receive £12 in your lump sum.

The 2006 Special members scheme is a final salary scheme.

  • Your pension is calculated based on 1/45th of your final pensionable pay for each year of membership.  
  • You are also entitled to swap up to 25% of your pension benefits into a tax-free lump sum. For every £1 of annual income you give up, you would receive £12 in your lump sum.  
  • Find more details on how your benefits are calculated here.  

The 2015 scheme is a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme. This means your benefits are worked out based on a proportion of your salary for each year you are member of the scheme: 

  • Every year, 1/59.7 of your pensionable pay is added to your pension account. 
  • At retirement, the total amount of pension you have built up each year is added together to calculate your benefits. 
  • You are also entitled to swap up to 25% of your pension benefits into a tax-free lump sum. For every £1 of annual income you give up, you would receive £12 in your lump sum.  
  • If you have multiple jobs, you’ll have separate pension accounts for each employment.  

Please note

If your pension benefits are affected by the age discrimination remedy (McCloud) judgement, your benefits will be recalculated and we will contact you directly with your options. 

For more information, please visit our dedicated remedy page

How do I retire?

Follow the steps below to find out how you can retire.

Frequently asked questions

For more information on planning your retirement and your pension finances, visit the LPPA HelpHub

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