Annual pension income

One of the main benefits of your local government, firefighter or police pension scheme is that it provides you with a guaranteed annual income at retirement.


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What is an annual pension income?

When you retire, you’ll receive a guaranteed pension income each year for life. This is a fixed income which isn’t affected by the stock market, so there is no danger of it ever going down. But it is reviewed each year to keep it in line with inflation, which means it will continue to go up with the cost of living.  

How is my annual pension income calculated? 

Your pension income is worked out based on your earnings and how long you’ve been a member. It’s also adjusted annually to keep up with inflation.  

The way your pension benefits are calculated has changed over the years. So, it also depends on when you joined the scheme as this will determine whether you are a member of a final salary pension scheme, a CARE pension scheme or a combination of the two.

Full details on how your benefits are calculated are also available in the LGPS scheme guide, which is available to download on our Forms, documents and scheme information page.

Click on your scheme below to see how it works 

Full details on how your benefits are calculated are available on the LGA website or in the FPS scheme guide

What if I moved or transitioned schemes? 
If you moved into the 2015 scheme, you will receive a two-part pension – one part from your original final salary scheme (1992 or 2006) and the other from your 2015 scheme. The rules of each scheme apply separately to each part of your pension and there are some special transitional rules on how your benefits are calculated.   

If you have 1992 or 2006 benefits, your retirement options are covered by the age discrimination remedy (McCloud). Learn more about Remedy here.

Full details on how your benefits are calculated are available in the PPS scheme guide.

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Please note

If your pension benefits are affected by the age discrimination remedy (McCloud/Sargeant) judgement, your benefits will be re-calculated and we will contact you directly with your options. 
For more information, please visit our dedicated remedy page 

Can these calculations change?

We calculate your benefits based on information your employer passes to us. So, if they provide us with further information after the original calculation, (like changes to your working hours or pay), we adjust them accordingly. 

After receiving your first pension payment, your pension benefits won’t change other than any inflation related increases. 

How and when is my pension income paid?

Your pension income is paid monthly. 

Depending on the day of the month you start to take your pension, you will receive your first payment either at the end of the current month or the following month. This will include any arrears dating back to your retirement date. 

Lump sum

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Planning for retirement

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