Welcome to Pension Pulse
December 2024
Hit the links below for all the latest pension news and updates for you and your employees.


New APP web page
Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP) can sometimes seem complicated, but it can have a big impact on your employees. Our new web page helps you understand how it works and what you need to do.

2025 triennial valuation
A triennial valuation on the LGPS (which happens every three years) will take place in 2025, so it’s important to know what you’ll need to do.

Academy conversions
If your school has recently been converted to an academy, make sure you let us know so we don’t duplicate your member records.

Latest training
Our latest employer training dates are now available.

Monthly returns
Next deadline: 10th December (6th for Lancashire County Pension Fund).

Retirement notifications
Remember, we need at least 30 days’ notice
LGA bulletins
Check out the latest updates from the LGPS news bulletin
Leaver forms
You don’t always need to submit a leaver form.
Backdated pay
How to process backdated pay increases.