Welcome to Pension Pulse
January 2024
As we’re now well into 2024, we thought we’d share some key events to look out for in the year ahead...
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Planning for retirement newsletter (coming soon)
We’ve created a new newsletter, which we’ll soon be sending to any of your active members over the age of 55. It’s all about planning for retirement and is designed to guide them through the process, set their expectations and help them fully understand their options.

Reasons for leaving validation
From 1 March 2024, the Reasons for leaving you add to your data return, must match one of the recognised options listed in the pension specification document) – or it will be flagged as an error in your monthly return, and will need to be corrected.

Contributions & CARE revaluation
Following the annual pension increase in April, we’ll be notifying you about changes to member contributions banding and CARE (Career Average Revalued Earnings pension) revaluations, which are also updated in April.

ABSs uploaded to PensionPoint
We’ll be issuing annual benefit statements (ABSs) to members via PensionPoint. They’ll be able to download their statements directly from their online account.

Annual Allowance letters and
saving statements sent out
We’ll be sending out letters about the annual allowance to those members who have been affected, along with their pension saving statements.
Other things to look out for in 2024…

Employer Toolkit updates
You can expect more updates to the Employer Toolkit this year – more downloadable ready-made communications for you to access and pass on to your employees.

Employer Forum 2024
After the success of last year’s event, we’ll be holding an online Employer Forum later in the year for you to attend. In case you missed it, you can view our 2023 event by clicking below.

Training schedules
We’ll be providing a range of online training throughout the year, from ill health to navigating UPM – available to book in the coming months via our online booking page.

You said, we did…
In case you missed it, in 2023 we created some new web pages to help members, based on your and their feedback.
Age discrimination remedy page
Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) page
Increasing your pension page
Trivial commutation page
What else can we do?
If you can think of other ways you’d like us to improve, just let us know.