Welcome to Pension Pulse

January 2025

Hit the links below for all the latest pension news and updates for you and your employees.


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LGPS valuation

2025 is a valuation year for the LGPS, which determines your employer contributions for the next three years. Visit our new web page to understand your roles and responsibilities.

Monthly returns and ABS reminder

Make sure all your monthly data returns are up to date by the end of the financial year (March 31), so we can send your members their ABSs on time.

Prudential payroll guide

Insurance company, Prudential, has put together a useful guide to help you (employers) successfully submit payroll information.

Latest training

Our latest employer training dates are now available.

Monthly returns

Next deadline: 10th February (6th for Lancashire County Pension Fund).

Retirement notifications

Remember, we need at least 30 days’ notice

Fair deal guidance

New guidance from HM Treasury for further education college employees.

LGA bulletins

The latest updates from the LGPS news bulletin. 

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