Welcome to Pension Pulse

May 2024

Hit the links below for all the latest pension news and updates for you and your employees.


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The importance of on-time leaver notification

If you have any employees who are retiring this summer, remember to send us their leaver forms as soon as you’re notified. Ideally, we need three months’ notice to avoid any pension delays.

Information for your employees

There are all kinds of online resources for your employees, which you can now access from our dedicated employee resource page.

Regular updates and reminders

  • To help you understand your pension scheme and how the processes work, we deliver a number of employer training sessions throughout the year. Make sure you’re up to date on what you need to know. Sign up online today​​​​​​​
  • View the latest LGA bulletin
  • Your monthly data return deadline is 10 June (or 6 June for Lancashire County Pension Fund employers) – thanks to all those who have already submitted.
  • Make sure you resolve any data queries you receive in your UPM employer portal work feed.​​​​​​​

Other useful information

  • Remember, if you have a site administrator, they can set up employer portal users for your organisation.
  • The LGA still has places available for its Employer Role training course from August to December: sign up here
  • LGPS guidance for academies is now available for school employers: view here
  • For more information on McCloud, please visit our dedicated age discrimination remedy page.

What else can we do?

If you can think of other ways you’d like us to improve, just let us know. 

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