One of the benefits of your workplace pension is that it provides financial protection to the people you care about – including a tax-free lump sum in the event of your death. 

What you may not realise is that you can have a say in who gets this money by nominating your chosen beneficiary(ies). The rules are slightly different depending on your scheme. Select yours below to see how it all works.

What is a nominated beneficiary?

It’s who you choose to receive a tax-free lump sum (death grant) in the event of your death. 

What is a death grant?

It’s a tax-free one-off lump sum your beneficiaries may receive if you die before the age of 75. 

And if you’re retired, the death grant will only be paid if you die before age 75 within ten years of receiving your pension (or five years if you left the LGPS before 1 April 2008). 

It’s worth mentioning that a death grant isn’t the same thing as a ‘spouse’s or civil partner’s pension’, which your partner may receive when you die – this is a completely separate one-off payment.

How much do my beneficiaries get?

The lump sum amount depends on whether you’re still paying into your pension or already retired:

Who can I nominate?

You have the flexibility to nominate any person or organisation that matters to you like a:

  • Spouse or partner.
  • Son, daughter, niece or nephew.
  • Family member or lifelong friend.
  • Charity that’s close to your heart.
  • Combination of the above.

How to nominate a beneficiary

The easiest way to nominate or change a beneficiary is via your online PensionPoint account. Log in, go to My Dashboard and select My beneficiaries.

4 myth busters about nominating beneficiaries

  1. Nominating a beneficiary isn’t about who gets your pension when you die. It’s about who you would like your death grant to go to.
  2. A death grant lump sum isn’t the same as the lump sum payment you can receive when you retire – it’s a kind of life insurance for your loved ones.
  3. Nominating a beneficiary isn’t a pointless task. While your pension fund ultimately has the power to decide who the death grant goes to, they’ll always take your nominations into consideration.
  4. Nominating a beneficiary doesn’t take long and you don’t need to contact us to tell us about your nominations. You can do it in minutes via your online PensionPoint account.