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Happy Pension Awareness Week! 

It’s Monday 31 October, which this year means it’s not just Happy Halloween, but Happy Pension Awareness Week too (which isn’t quite as scary)!

Starting today and running up until this Friday (4 November), this week is all about making you more aware of your pension, helping you understand how it works and highlighting the importance of things like saving for retirement.

Pension Geeks, a UK pensions communications company, created Pension Awareness Day back in 2014. But what started off as a single day on 15 September, is now marked by a full working week of activities up and down the country. You can find out more here.

To mark this year’s event, we’re going to provide you with daily updates on all things pension related. So, look out for our articles on the LPPA website and our social posts on our LinkedIn channel, LPPA Pensions. There’s even a quiz to test your knowledge at the end of the week!

Take our pension health check

To kick things off, we thought we’d invite you to take our pension health check.

If you’ve got a Local Government pension and want to make sure it’s in the best possible shape, then take the LPPA pension health check.

To take your pension health check, click here.

Trace your lost pensions

Did you know it was also National Pension Tracing Day on Sunday, 30 October – the same day the clocks went back? An extra hour to look for your lost pensions – how about that?

It’s never too late to do that though, so, if you missed it and want to get in on the action, click here to find out more.

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