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How much do you really know about your pension? Quiz

You may have been paying into a pension for years or just recently joined a scheme but how much do you really know about your pension? 

Read our article on the top six myths and misconceptions about your pension to help you or take our quick, two-minute quiz and see how much you already know!


How much do you really know about your pension?

Take our quick two-minute quiz to test your knowledge!

1 / 10

1. Let's start easy. What is a defined benefit scheme?

2 / 10

2. What are your contributions based on?

3 / 10

3. You may be an active or a deferred member of your pension scheme. What is a deferred member? 

Understand the difference between an active and deferred member, as well as more pension jargon on our Help Hub.

4 / 10

4. One of the benefits of having an LGPS, Police or Firefighter pension is that the value of your pension (and any payments) increase in line with ___________

Learn how your pension increases in line with inflation by visiting our website.

Learn how your pension increases in line with inflation by visiting our website.

5 / 10

5. Depending on your scheme rules, what can you do to increase your pension benefits? 

6 / 10

6. Let’s make this a little harder...There are many misconceptions about pensions. Which of the following statements is a common myth about defined benefit pensions? 

Learn why both of these are common myths on our website.

Learn why both of these are common myths on our website.

Learn why both of these are common myths on our website.

7 / 10

7. ‘I can depend on my savings, property or inheritance as my pension’. 

Read why this isn't always a good idea in our '6 Myths & Misconceptions About Your Defined Benefit Pension' article.

8 / 10

8. Why is it not always a good idea to rely on the Government to support you in retirement?  

Find out more about common myths and misconceptions about pensions.

9 / 10

9. What should you do when considering if your pension will support your retirement? 

Read more about getting ready for retirement on our website. If you're an LGPS member, check out our 'Top 10 Ways To Prepare For Your Retirement' article.

Read more about getting ready for retirement on our website. If you're an LGPS member, check out our 'Top 10 Ways To Prepare For Your Retirement' article.

Read more about getting ready for retirement on our website. If you're an LGPS member, check out our 'Top 10 Ways To Prepare For Your Retirement' article.

10 / 10

10. And finally...What else should you do before you decide to retire? 

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