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Industry calls on grime artist for new pensions campaign 

It’s always great to see the industry working together to increase pension awareness – especially when it’s done in a new and innovative way.

With the help of grime artist Big Zuu, the industry’s new Pension Attention campaign is doing just that. Using an upbeat track and specially created music video, Campaign Ambassador Big Zuu raps ‘pay your pension some attention’ to help make people more pension aware.

Led by the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA), the campaign aims to get as many people as possible talking about their pensions – whether it’s helping them understand their benefits or providing simple tips for tracking their old workplace schemes.

Big Zuu said: ‘Grime and pensions have never been mentioned in the same sentence before, I’ll tell you that for free. It sounds heavy but this matters to everyone – it’s time to pay your pension some attention.’

View Pension Attention campaign

To read more about the industry’s latest pensions campaign, click here.

Or to watch Big Zuu’s music video click here.

Now, do we have any grime fans in da house?

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