For the final day of Pension Awareness Week, we’re going out with a bang! Well, a quiz to be more precise to see what you’ve learnt.

Are you fully pension aware or is there still room for improvement? Click below to find out.


Pension Awareness Week 2022

Test your pension knowledge with our fun quiz!

1 / 10

£26.6 billion is estimated to be locked away in lost pensions. What should you do to trace your old pensions?  

2 / 10

1 in 20 people could be missing out on pensions worth £9,500 each (on average). How do most pensions get lost? 

3 / 10

As we go through different life stages, you may consider changing your pension. What two milestones might affect how you manage your pension? 

4 / 10

If your mortgage is delaying your retirement, what could you consider using to help pay it off (with the right financial advice)? 

5 / 10

According to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), how much money has been lost to pension scammers between 2017 and 2020?

6 / 10

Fraudsters will seize any opportunity to con people out of their money. What techniques do they use to draw their victims in? 

7 / 10

What's one thing you can do to avoid being the victim of a pension scam? 

8 / 10

What’s the name of our new online pension portal? 

9 / 10

With a defined benefit scheme, the value of your pension is changed every year to keep up with ____________? 

10 / 10

What does a defined benefit scheme guarantee you when you retire? 

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